How to Make CBD Chocolate at Home?
The CBD market is flourishing today, as hemp is paving its way to everyday consumption and offers safe, non-addictive alternatives to painkillers and antidepressants. The times of considering weed a deadly drug are long gone, and CBD is increasingly included in health-conscious people’s treatment and wellness regimes.
So, once you decide to try out CBD as your daily supplement, what form should you choose? The modern consumer is spoilt for choice, with many edibles offered on the shelves of dispensaries and in online stores. Today, you can try CBD gummies, oils, concentrates, and various desserts, one of which is CBD chocolate. Thus, many users prefer CBD-infused chocolate as their favorite form of CBD edible because of its delicious taste, absence of hemp’s earthy or bitter flavor, and the additional benefits of chocolate for health.
If you have weight or diet concerns, we’d like to explain things at once – consuming CBD chocolate doesn’t mean sitting down and eating a whole bar at once. As a rule, you can get your daily CBD dose from one to two chunks of a CBD-infused bar, making your morning coffee routine much more enjoyable. Now, let’s cover everything you might be interested in and explain the process of home-cooking this CBD edible step by step. As a bonus tip, we’ll share some easy and delicious home-made CBD chocolate recipes.
Health Benefits of CBD Chocolate
Now, it’s time to talk about why you should choose CBD chocolate compared to other CBD edibles available in the market. First, the properties of dark chocolate have been well-known for centuries; its high content of cocoa makes it nutritious and full of soluble fiber and essential minerals. Besides, dark chocolate can become a delicious source of a daily antioxidant supply, which improves the quality of your blood vessels, saves you from hypertension, and gives you a boost of energy and optimism for the entire day. Dermatologists are also talking about the benefit of consuming dark chocolate for skin protection from sun radiation and age-related adverse changes.
Please note that all the benefits we’ve just mentioned come with regular chocolate, even without CBD. Now think about supplementing this super healthy product with a huge number of CBD benefits. What shall we get?
- CBD is not intoxicating, so a piece of your favorite chocolate bar won’t make you high. At the same time, you get potent pain and stress relief.
- CBD is a potent remedy for cancer-related symptoms, such as a lack of appetite and nausea. So, you can easily get your dose of CBD with a small chocolate bar and enjoy an improved quality of life during and after chemo.
- CBD partners with dark chocolate to treat your skin problems, such as acne.
- CBD also has pronounced positive effects on the user’s heart health. So, regular CBD chocolate consumption can make your cardiovascular system stronger and more resilient.
This way, by choosing CBD chocolate as a form of regular CBD consumption, you get a winning combo of health benefits without any risks. Dark chocolate contains little sugar, and its regular intake reduces the risk of inflammation or diabetes, which works in great tandem with CBD, which calms your body and soothes your nerves.
Top-Tier CBD Edible Chocolate Recipes
Here is a standard recipe for creating a CBD chocolate bar that is beneficial to your health:
- One cup of butter (unsalted)
- 1 cup of crushed chocolate (you can take milk or dark chocolate depending on your personal tastes and preferences)
- 5 cup of honey
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- CBD oil at the amount calculated depending on your daily intake.
The process of CBD chocolate preparation requires a small saucepan which you will fill with water and let it boil to create a double boiling effect. Next, put a temperature-proof dish on top of the saucepan and melt your butter to a liquid state. Make sure you stir the mass frequently to avoid its burning. Next, it’s the turn of chocolate to melt in your double boiler and add to the melted butter texture. Once the butter and chocolate melt fully, you need to set the dish with the mix aside and let it cool down a bit. After that, it’s time to add the extra ingredients – your vanilla extract, honey, and CBD oil. Stir everything well and double-check that all components are distributed evenly. The final touch is to pour the liquid mix into a baking tin and put it into the fridge for firming. As a result, you get a large chocolate bar that you can further cut into several pieces of convenient size and wrap them separately for daily consumption of your regular CBD dose.
We also keep the interests of vegans in mind and share a vegan CBD chocolate recipe for this conscious category of consumers. To make an ideal vegan-friendly CBD choco bar, you need:
- 5 cup of virgin coconut oil
- 1 cup of raw cacao powder
- 4 tablespoons of high-quality honey
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (or any other natural flavor you like)
- 5 teaspoon of sea salt
- A regular dose of CBD oil.
Once the ingredients are ready, you will need a pan for melting and combining them and silicone baking molds to let your chocolate take the desired shape. Here’s the algorithm for cooking the CBD choco treat:
- Slowly heat the coconut oil in a pan until it takes the liquid form. Take it away from the heat and set it aside.
- Combine the cacao powder, vanilla extract, honey, sea salt, and your chosen CBD oil with warm coconut oil to achieve a smooth texture.
- Pour the resulting mix into the silicon molds and put them into the fridge to let them cool and take a firm shape. The time needed for the chocolates to get firm is 2 hours minimum. After this time passes, you can take a bite or two and wrap the excess into craft paper to store the chocolate in the refrigerator until you need them.
Cooking Tips and Precautions
We know that most of you love milk chocolate, so it’s natural to consider this chocolate type for cooking your CBD-infused bars. However, experts strongly recommend using dark chocolate for CBD infusion, as it is generally healthier for all categories of consumers, causes less addiction, and includes a higher concentration of anandamides. This essential ingredient makes chocolate such a health gem. Another option is to use cacao nibs; they contain all the perks of chocolate and a lot of fiber, protein, and antioxidants.
You can spice up CBD chocolate with some additional ingredients to make the process of CBD consumption even more pleasurable. Easy DIY tips include crisped rise, white chocolate morsels, or crushed candies that will add a crunchy effect to your chocolate bar.
For those who are lazy and want a fast and furious CBD chocolate recipe with guaranteed results, we recommend using the CBD oil tincture with a chocolate flavor. A couple of brands in the market offer this unique form of CBD oil, so you can add it in the ‘as is’ form to the chocolate mix without worrying about the flavor.
FAQ about CBD Chocolate
How long does CBD chocolate last without getting spoiled?
CBD chocolate’s shelf life depends on its components and storage conditions. Depending on what you use for cooking the chocolate bar, it will usually last up to one year without getting spoiled or losing its therapeutic properties.
Is it cheaper to cook my own CBD chocolate bars or buy ready-made ones?
You can find tons of CBD chocolate products in the market today, and their price also varies tremendously. Choosing the cheapest offer will surely make home-made chocolate costlier. Still, think about the quality of all ingredients you put into that product. If you cook chocolate bars for yourself, you’re sure to use the best-quality components, thus receiving the best CBD chocolate in the end.
Should I keep the CBD chocolate in the fridge?
Yes, it is highly recommended to keep the CBD choco bars you’ve cooked in a fridge. You should even reserve a spot for them in your freezer if you’re preparing a large batch at once and plan to keep them for a long time. In such conditions, your chocolate will be fresh and high-quality for up to one year.
How to consume CBD chocolate for an optimal health effect?
Different producers manufacture CBD chocolate bars with different CBD concentrations, so it’s hard to determine an optimal dose per user. However, you can maximize the value of CBD by taking a small chunk of chocolate and holding it under your tongue, allowing the solid texture to melt and dissolve. This way, CBD will get into your bloodstream faster. Please also remember that edibles produce a more potent effect than CBD vapes or smoking, so it’s better to start with small amounts and gradually increase the portions of chocolate after you see no side effects or overdosing.