Genshin Impact Genshin Impact PS5 Genshin Impact PS5 Review miHoYo PS5

Genshin Impact Review (PS5) – A Nice Technical Boost That Doesn’t Utilise The DualSense To Its Fullest

Genshin Impact PS5 ReviewGenshin Impact took the industry by storm when it was released last September. The Chinese developed title released to criticism and comparison to Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, but quickly became one of the most popular titles on the market. Now half a year since its original PlayStation 4 release, developer MiHoYo has officially released the PlayStation 5 version of Genshin Impact.

This review will mostly focus on the upgrades MiHoYo has brought to the PS5 version of the game. For a better overview and idea of the experience the game offers check out our PS4 review from September 2020.

Genshin Impact PS5 Review

A Solid Technical Update To An Already Great Game

Just like so many PS4 games that have received a PlayStation 5 upgrade, Genshin Impact has the standard loading time upgrades and texture improvements. Unfortunately, that’s really all the upgrades the game really got.

Genshin Impact is already a gorgeous game on the PS4, but now on the PS5, it’s gotten slightly better. One of the biggest issues with the PS4 version is the framerate and just how much it bogs down the experience when a lot of effects are happening on screen. Playing the game via backwards compatibility drastically improved the framerate through the PS5, but now with a native version, the game runs at a smooth 60 FPS.

I never got any framerate drops and I had the most graphically impressive effects the game has to offer going off at the same time to see how the game held up.

Textures have also gotten a bit of a boost and a lot of the smaller objects in the world are easier to make out and aren’t muddy like some of them used to be on PS4. You really notice the texture improvements when the rain hits the world. You see in real-time how the roads become a little muddier and shiner from the rain. Lighting is also vastly improved with lens flairs and softer colors.

Outside Of Technical Upgrades, Not Much Else Is Different

The other massive upgrade comes in loading times. The loading times on the PS5 are so fast that you don’t have time to look away before the game loads in. Fast travelling from the furthest point on the north end of the map to the furthest location south of the map takes about two seconds.

The game loads from the main login screen into the game world in about ten seconds. These load times are a drastic change from the PS4 version, which took a good minute and a half.

Unfortunately, that is the extent of the upgrades here. Genshin Impact on PS5 doesn’t have any Activity Card or 3D Audio support. It does get some haptic feedback boosts thanks to the more powerful DualSense controller, but it is bare minimum.

The adaptive triggers aren’t utilized, which would have been nice to see, especially for the archer characters in your party. The only upgrade the game has gotten for the DualSense comes in the form of additional vibrations during gliding.

The DualSense never vibrates when in combat which is baffling as that’s when it should vibrate the most. I did get some feedback when aiming with a bow which was a nice touch, but it all leaves a lot to be desired.

Genshin Impact Remains The Most Accessible Free To Play Game On Consoles

Genshin Impact is just as great of a game as it was on PS4, with improvements that make it the definitive version of the game. Utilizing the console’s powerful tech, the title looks even better than ever, runs at a smooth 60 FPS, and loads so fast that you’ll be off adventuring while PS4 players are stuck waiting to join you on your adventure. It’s just a shame the DualSense didn’t get as much love as it deserves.

Genshin Impact is available now on PS5.



The Final Word

Genshin Impact is still one of the best and most accessible free to play titles on the PlayStation ecosystem. The PS5 upgrade is a technical achievement providing even better visuals at a silky 60 FPS, and 4K support. The game's load times are so fast you won't even have time to look away from the screen, allowing you to continue your journey without any stoppages. It's just a shame that the PlayStation 5's unique Activity Cards and DualSense controller didn't get much love, especially since the DualSense is one of the best pieces of next-generation hardware on the market.