It seems that the PS5’s instant access feature that Mark Cerny has previously talked about is called the PS5 Activities System and it will allow you to jump into individual parts of a game almost instantly.
In an interview with GameReactor (Translated by TheSixthAxis) WRC 9’s Director and Product Manager Alan Jarniou and Sébastien Waxin talked about the new feature and discussed what it could offer.
However, it is the improvements focused on the execution of the software that can end up changing the experience completely, as WRC 9 will implement fully asynchronous and optimized loading, using the new super-fast SSD memories so that the players get behind the wheel in no time, while the function of the PlayStation 5 Activities system will propose instant ‘deeplink’ links from the start menu to directly access races or parts of the game, with the intention of “keeping players hooked”.
This appears to be the feature that Mark Cerny discussed with Wired, where you are able to join any joinable activities right from the menu, alongside rewards you can obtain.
This all sounds incredibly exciting and it is going to be interesting to see just how much this feature will improve the speed we are able to play our games. If you need a rundown of everything there is to know about the PS5 check out our specs feature here.
The PS5 is due out this Holiday.
Source – [GameReactor via TheSixthAxis]