For a long time, Dead Island 2 seemed as dead as the zombies in its own game. Passed from studio to studio, seeming like it would simply never release.
All that is changed now, thanks to Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios, who’ve finally been the ones to showcase what kind of zombie-killing chaos Dead Island 2 will bring to the genre.
The studio released a new gameplay trailer today which includes a more than a few gore-y kills for players to enjoy. You can check it out for yourself, here.
Also, if you’re the kind of player who’s up-and-up with smart home tech, and the owner of an Alexa, Dambuster also announced support for Alexa Game Control.
This news even got its own trailer, which shows off the feature.
On top of the new gameplay reveal, the pre-order details for Dead Island 2 were also announced, and subsequently given their own trailer as well.
The long and short of it is that simply pre-ordering gets you a couple of different baseball bat aesthetics, but if you’d like some physical goodies then you can go for the Hell-A Edition, which comes with a steelbook case, a map of the game area, pins, tarot cards, and of course some digital items as well.
Beyond that there’s the option to purchase a figurine of main character Amy, armed with a machete and a sundae.
Source – [Deep Silver]